I personally believe that your life is your own responsibility and you cannot play the blame game saying the other person is causing me unhappiness or is responsible for my failures. Let's dig deep inside and look at everything from a different angle, a different perspective. Now answer a few questions before you shift the blame on someone else, Can someone live your life for you? Can someone else eat for you, sleep for you or live your miseries or die for you? The list is endless, I would say “NO”.
In Today’s world when everything around us is getting sophisticated and artificial, why do we complicate life further? There is nothing which is wrong in sophistication but the power games which people play just to show off how big they are and how small others are, then it wrong. I would say the more simple things get, it gets easy to use them. You love your old phone which you bought just 1 year ago and now something new is in the market, though you do not need this new phone with new features you go ahead and spend a big chunk of money to own this phone so that you feel trendy.
I write on several topics but this is something which i chose today. Everyone is living life but how many of you are alive and living life in true sense. We all complete our daily works, to do’s and daily chores but do we enjoy them all. Do we love what we do and do everything with full heart and soul ? The answer to these questions will be, you enjoy some and not all things which you do in your daily life. Some of us lead very boring life and just pass days because that's the way of life. Those are the one’s who get fed up with life very easily and add on to stress and medical expenses.
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What is stress ? Stress is something which takes away the peace of our mind. What happens when we lose peace of mind ? We get disturbed and we are not able to work. Our thinking gets negative and we blame everyone for all the wrong things which happen with us. So now we are in stress.
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- Bob Proctor
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- destiny
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- failure
- feelings
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- happiness
- heaven
- Jack Canfield
- mind
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- motivational books
- motivational quotes
- peace
- perception
- self discipline
- stress
- Stress Management
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- tension free
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- Communications
The path of life is long and it gives everyone a chance to prove his strengths. Life moves a full circle. It is the same life for all but some make their destinies out of nothing and others lead a normal life. Chances are the same for all and God never did injustice with anyone. Though we get angry on the almighty for giving us less than others. Some grab every opportunity that come their way, others do not know what to do with the treasure of knowledge they have.
After a 5 day tiring work schedule an employee gets totally exhausted. This employee will not contribute effectively until and unless he has a calm mind and low stress level. This is where soft skills training comes in the fore front. It not only helps De-stress an employee but also teaches them new skills a healthy way. A well equipped trainer knows how to craft a training program to maintain a learning and light atmosphere. It is well proved scientifically that a light atmosphere leads to more learning than a tensed up atmosphere covering theories.
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Stress usually creeps in when we are feared to face the interview and concentrate our energies on all possible outcomes. We can bust the stress by concentrating our energy in doing something more meaningful like preparation.
Let us discuss points which reduces stress during interview -
Employee Absenteeism is the absence of an employee from work. Its a major problem faced by almost all employers of today. Employees are absent from work and thus the work suffers. Absenteeism of employees from work leads to back logs, piling of work and thus work delay. There are various laws been enacted for safeguarding the interest of both Employers and Employees but they too have various constraints.
Absenteeism is of two types -
1.Innocent Absenteeism
2.Culpable Absenteeism
Stress toughness is caused by “commitment”, control and challenge.
Accept stress as a challenge and you will cope better with it.
Types of stress -
There are two types of stress Eustress and Distress.