Performance Appraisal is a quarterly or half yearly or yearly activity carried out by companies to check performance of employees. It is a system to check the performance of individual employees for promotion, salary increment or bonus. But this very system to check the performance can cause problems in the smooth working of the organization. A lot of gossips and rumor keeps mongering among employees. They are without head and tail and are carried out by those who are not happy with their performance reviews and feedback.
I have coached more than 300 participants and have sharpened my skills as a trainer. Everyone ranging from engineers, students, teachers, government servant, Entrepreneur & private sector employees have been benefited by my training programs. It feels great when my participants do a great job after attending my training and giving me feedback that their life and thinking has improved after the training. It is the biggest satisfaction as a trainer. The feedback helps me in polishing my skills and moving a step ahead to satisfy them.
Stress usually creeps in when we are feared to face the interview and concentrate our energies on all possible outcomes. We can bust the stress by concentrating our energy in doing something more meaningful like preparation.
Let us discuss points which reduces stress during interview -
Employee ditching is a very common problem. It happens with many companies who don't want to tie the employees to their organization by means of bond system. The employees takes this for granted and takes steps which tarnishes their image in the long run. An organization should always trust its employees but yes there has to be certain defined level or the employees take their trust for a ride. Small organizations generally don't levy too much rules and regulations and gives freedom to its employees.
Resume is the first selling proposition of a candidate. Its the first source of introduction to the prospective employer. Its necessary to keep few points in mind while preparing resumes for job application. Introduce yourself in a better way and get a chance to face the interview.
Points to be kept in mind while preparing resumes -
1)Write a targeted resume according to the nature of the job if you have too many job experiences. Write specific resume for every job. No generic resume.
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- 4563 reads
- age
- Avoid Negativity
- candidate
- Coloured papers
- date of birth
- employer
- ethnicity/race
- health.
- height
- HR
- Interview
- irrelevant information
- job experiences
- marital status
- No generic resume
- organization
- past experiences
- Pictures
- place of birth
- resume
- resumes for job application
- Sell yourself
- sex
- spelling mistakes and other grammatical errors
- weight
- Education
Employees are backbone of an organization. They make an organization succeed or fail. Recruitment is the process of tapping right talent for the Corporation. Companies have methods to recruit more effectively by measuring 'time to fill' and 'cost per hire'. Time to fill is the time gap for recruiting the new employee and cost per hire is the cost incurred in hiring new employee. These methods help in measuring the employees performance to a small extent as it is followed just during hiring process.
Employee Retention is the most talked about subject in today's business scenario. Take example of any organization be it IT, Manufacturing, Production houses - all are feeling the heat of employee attrition and they want to have good retention rates. Gone are the days when an employee stuck to a particular organization for his life time and never left. Things have changed and so has the mindset and work culture. Employees are the Back bone of the company.