Yoga is a set of body movements along with controlling your breath which heals your body and soul. Yoga connects you to the core of your body and takes you to a different dimension where you are at peace. You will see the difference within yourself when you start doing yoga, your body will get different, your thinking will change, you will get less angry and you will be more at peace. I would say yoga is a way of life and every person should do yoga in spite of his age. You need to check which postures are comfortable for you and then move ahead accordingly.
It is a tough situation when your heart says go for it and your mind says “No” it is wrong. You do accept the things happening in your life and you want to create a new life which is better than what you are living today. You know when your first marriage has failed and you are fighting the court case with your husband you should not get into another relationship. You are not yet divorced but you know in the near future you will and you just want a companion when someone enters your life and knocks in your heart door which you had kept locked for so long.
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We all know that this universe is vast and has no end but are you all aware that there is a big universe which exists inside us. It is not easy to get access to the inner universe until and unless you learn how to control your mind and reach a state where you are in full control of your own self. People who have harnessed their inner world are genius in their field because they have developed good intelligence, have a strong sixth sense, are intuitive and happy. The outer world which you see with your naked eyes is an extension of your inner world.
It is good to think about life and plan what to do next, the biggest problem arises when we start overthinking and want to plan our whole life in just 15 minutes. Is it really possible? The answer is “No”. How can you plan your whole life in a few minutes or a few days? It is practically impossible. You do not know what is going to happen next in your life, you cannot predict anything in life because life is not constant. Your life is changing every moment and even the people and circumstances are changing.
This beautiful life is the gift of God to humanity. We create our own reality by the way we look at things around us and believe in. Our eyes are windows to the world, they see everything and it is our mind which churns all the information and gives the definition of good, bad or ugly. What you want to see is important because your eyes see what you want to see and not what really exists? That is the reason different people see the same situation differently and give their opinion. One person can see a problem while another person can see a solution in the same situation.
I have realized what boredom is? and how difficult it can get at times when you really don’t feel like doing anything. You don’t know what to do with those 24 hours and passing a single hour seems like ages. I am sure a lot of us have felt this way and with a fast-paced life when everyone around you is busy you feel left out. You can get bored with a routine life, day to day activities or due to loneliness because you have no one to talk to.
I am going to conduct training program along with my team (Jigna Thakkar & Manish Gupta) at Junior Chamber International National Convention being held at Lulu International, Kerala on 28th December 2012. The topic of training is “Life OK”. In this training program i will be covering - Discover your true self and my team members will be covering Stress Management and Jindagi Na Milegi Dobara.
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- anger
- blessing
- challenges
- JCI National Convention delegates
- jealousy
- Jindagi Na Milegi Dobara
- Junior Chamber International National Convention
- Kerala
- Life Ok
- loving
- Lulu International
- mind
- motivated
- personal
- professional life
- programming
- revenge
- strength
- Stress Management
- training program
- true potential
- unfulfilled dreams
- weaknesses
- Training
What is stress ? Stress is something which takes away the peace of our mind. What happens when we lose peace of mind ? We get disturbed and we are not able to work. Our thinking gets negative and we blame everyone for all the wrong things which happen with us. So now we are in stress.
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- Bob Proctor
- brain
- Brian Tracy
- complaining
- Creator
- Dale Carnegie
- destiny
- energetic
- failure
- feelings
- friendship
- happiness
- heaven
- Jack Canfield
- mind
- Motivation
- motivational books
- motivational quotes
- peace
- perception
- self discipline
- stress
- Stress Management
- success
- tension free
- time management
- Communications
As we think so will be our behavior. There is a direct connection between our thoughts and action. If we think positive it will be displayed in our behavior and if we think negative and try to look positive that will also be displayed in our actions. I have seen people thinking negative and smiling in front of me and sometimes praising me but i know those words do not come from heart and you can easily make out how happy the other person is with your achievements. Its always better to be true to ourselves and never become a impostor. Have a positive frame of mind and think positive.