Hello, my lovely readers today I want to share with you all my feelings which actually happens when I am praying to God. For me, my God is the one who created me, changed my destiny and gave me much more than I can ever imagine. There are lots of things which are yet to be known by me but then he always rests assures me that my manifestations are on their way by means of feelings, intuition, and feathers. Feelings or emotions are something that is hard to express in words because it is difficult to write down exactly what you feel in words.
There was too much motivation in my previous articles so I thought of writing on love. I do believe that love gives you a reason to smile and be happy. Have you ever imagined how your life would have been without love? I would say we all would have been living empty lives if there was no love in our life. Our emotions and feelings of love are something which differentiates us from robots and without any emotions a person is a living robot. You are here on this earth because of love and love is the only force in the universe which drives everything.
What is stress ? Stress is something which takes away the peace of our mind. What happens when we lose peace of mind ? We get disturbed and we are not able to work. Our thinking gets negative and we blame everyone for all the wrong things which happen with us. So now we are in stress.
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