Every person has his part of the struggle. It all depends on which form. Your struggles can either make you or break you. There is nothing in between because life is an ongoing game. You either win or lose and there is nothing called half won or half lost. Never play it safe, you are either in it 100% or you back off calling everything bad luck. I too had my own misconceptions about life but a lot of them got broken after I took the holistic path of spirituality and learned from some of the known spiritual gurus about life.
Stress is something which impairs your brain to think or act on something. There are some stress tough people. Stress tough people usually thrive on stress and cope with pressure that would put the average person into tailspin.
Stress toughness is caused by “commitment”, control and challenge.
Accept stress as a challenge and you will cope better with it.
Types of stress -
There are two types of stress Eustress and Distress.
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