Thank You, Universe. God is great and he will show his presence in various ways. When he puts his hands on top of your head then your entire life is a miracle. God gives the toughest task to his most trusted soldier who takes the lead and guides entire humanity towards a new world and truth. The clouds may be dense and create momentary darkness but they don’t have the power to stop the light of the sun for very long. When the time is right the sun shines. Then you keep wondering why me?
After questioning my existence for a very long time I have some of my answers but still, I am not satisfied with the results. Sometimes I feel too stuck and lost and it feels like my life is not moving forward. I don’t know where my life is heading because when you work on the invisible energies then you can’t see the results on paper. The memory which exists within my body is not programmed to handle the work which I do and that’s the only reason I feel directionless though at times the universe talks directly to me by means of messages.
Stress is something which impairs your brain to think or act on something. There are some stress tough people. Stress tough people usually thrive on stress and cope with pressure that would put the average person into tailspin.
Stress toughness is caused by “commitment”, control and challenge.
Accept stress as a challenge and you will cope better with it.
Types of stress -
There are two types of stress Eustress and Distress.
© 2010 Rashmi Priya. m