Every person is intuitive in fact we all are born intuitive but with the passage of time and with growing age we lose our intuitive capabilities but there are few people who are very intuitive than others. These people get a message about whether they should do something or not. They can meet another person and predict correctly about them, they know that something wrong is going to happen and hence they are prepared beforehand. How many times did your mom tell you not to step out of the house because she was not feeling ok about you going out.
Stress is something which impairs your brain to think or act on something. There are some stress tough people. Stress tough people usually thrive on stress and cope with pressure that would put the average person into tailspin.
Stress toughness is caused by “commitment”, control and challenge.
Accept stress as a challenge and you will cope better with it.
Types of stress -
There are two types of stress Eustress and Distress.

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