The year 2022 adds up to 6 and it is a number of balance. I am writing down my own interpretation according to the way I feel from my intuition. Number 6 and number 9 represent the duality that exists in the universe. We need both 6 and 9 to exist at the same time. You need a male and female to complete the cycle of life. You need protons, neutrons, and electrons to form an atom. Protons are positively charged, electrons are negatively charged and neutrons carry zero charges. Both positive and negative exists in the universe at the same time.
It is the 2nd of January and the New Year 2022 has just started. All the hard work which went in for 6 years of tough transformation is now showing results in weird forms. Rashes, hair fall, and too many changes. Spiritual awakening is not an easy journey, at least not for the feeble-hearted. Even the tough ones would break at some point to the amount of testing you have to go through. You don’t have any idea as to what tomorrow will be like. What is easy? Or difficult. It is better to put all your beliefs in one basket and label it as easy for your heart’s content.
I am writing about something my lovely readers, now keep guessing. Life is a mystery and there is no fun in life without mystery. Just think how boring life would have been if you knew what was going to happen next and about your whole life journey. You would have got disinterested in life. There is joy in life only when there is a thrill in living, Agree with me? I guess “Yes” After all who does not wants a thrilling life which cannot be guessed and when you open your eyes you find that your whole world has changed and you keep guessing how this miracle happened.
All of us are born on this earth with a prewritten destiny. You are here to achieve your own purpose in life, the purpose for which you are born, a purpose which is much bigger than your own existence, a purpose which consumes your whole being, a purpose which runs down your veins, a purpose which is dissolved in your blood, a purpose which is divinely guided and he himself is manifesting within you and consuming your total being and transforming you into himself.
My own experience with life is both sweet and sour but then there are people in my life who have made my life worth living. They are my friends and family members who occupy a big part of my life. I know how tough life can get at times when you thought that your life is settled and everything falls apart. You are still wondering what is happening and your world has crashed in front of your own eyes and you simply do not know what to do. That is the toughest situation to face in life when your previous husband declares the end of the relationship without giving you the reason.
Love and relationships are topics which are very close to my heart. I believe in full sincerity at least when it comes to matters of the heart. An insincere person cannot love, he can only cheat. When you yourself are trustworthy you attract those type of people in your life. You will see that people who are more prone to flirt attract those kinds of flirtatious natured people in their life while the committed ones get serious people who are looking for a settled future life. Our whole life revolves around relationships and work, there is nothing in between.
What is stress ? Stress is something which takes away the peace of our mind. What happens when we lose peace of mind ? We get disturbed and we are not able to work. Our thinking gets negative and we blame everyone for all the wrong things which happen with us. So now we are in stress.
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