Soft skills training is personality development training. Soft Skills training is very different from technical training or language training. A lot of people confuse soft skills training with other training programs. Soft skills are the skills which are required in a person to get hired. It is the most important skills because it is easy to train a person with a learning attitude rather than to train someone who has a negative attitude towards new learnings. Age is no barrier for receiving soft skills training. You can learn as much as you can at any age.
Interpersonal skills are life skills which are needed in a person to interact with others. Every day we communicate in personal and professional environment. The ability to speak clearly, to the point and not beat in the bush is a big art which needs to be mastered. To put your point forward without hurting the other person. Our behavior, attitude and perception plays a big role while communicating with the other person. This helps us in regulating our behavior and helps us in talking with the other person.
Goals are the most talked about subject. You will read about it every where in the newspaper, magazine, books etc. But then have you ever taken time to sit alone with yourself and actually think what are my goals ? What changes goals can bring in my life. What my life would have been if i had very specific and time bound goals ? Have i reached my full potential ? What more am i capable of doing ? Am i utilizing my time or just wasting it ? How i can in person contribute to the society as a whole ? Have you people ever thought of these questions.
I was invited as judge by G.H. Raisoni Academy for Human Excellence to judge “Prastuti” Inter Collegiate Power Point Presentation Competition for College Faculty on 1st February 2014.
It was indeed a great moment to share stage with Chief Guest Mr Mishra (IRS Commissioner), Prashant Joshi, Asma Banu, Dr. Yasin G.M. Sheikh (Director, G.H. Raisoni Academy for Human Excellence), P.A.Varhadpande (Manager, G.H. Raisoni Academy for Human Excellence).
I received recognition from Dr Ambedkar College, Nagpur for being a part of Unnati 2013 - 2014. I conducted training program on Stress Management.
I would like to thank Dr Pratibha Seria madam and Suresh Chari sir for giving me an opportunity to be a part of Unnati 2013 - 2014.
My article on "Gratitude: My Way of Life" got published in Click IT COMP-EX’ 2014 special issue Magazine, January 2014.
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My latest article on “Gratitude: My way of Life” was published in Future section of Hitavada Newspaper on 14th January 2014.
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Attitude School, Soft Skills training institute is going to start regular classes soon for grooming of candidates and making them job ready. Students face a lot of problem during placement as they learn the hard skills and are up to date with it but lack the necessary soft skills which the interviewer looks for in a candidate. The interviewer checks a candidates self confidence, his problem solving, his ability to adjust to the changing environment, life goals, commitment, Etiquette and Presentation skills. This is done at the time of interview.
My latest article on Stress Management - A Daily routine was selected to be published in Compex 2013 Special Click IT News, Central India’s only IT Magazine.
You can read my article published on page 140 in the official directory of Compex 2013 or read it on my website at -
I received recognition from Dr Ambedkar College, Nagpur for being a part of Unnati 2012 - 2013. I conducted training program on Human Relations and Stress Management. It was really a proud moment to receive recognition from the hands of Chief Guest Dr Surendra Vinayak Gole, Principal, Nagpur Institute of Technology.
I would like to thank Dr Pratibha Seria madam and Suresh Chari sir for giving me an opportunity to be a part of Unnati.