Hello my lovely readers. I value my relationship with you. I value my connection with you. I thank you all for being a part of my world and appreciating my work by reading my writeup. I am here for a purpose and I know you all are also here for a purpose. We are all assigned to achieve a certain task by the divine or else we would not have existed. Our very existence confirms that God wants us to achieve our maximum potential and give our best, nothing less than that. We all should contribute towards the upliftment of the society in whatever way we can.
Self image is the image one has of oneself and it is built over a period of time. The events, the happenings everything shapes our image. A person can be intelligent, have good looks but may suffer from poor self image but on the other hand a person may have gone through a lot of hardships in life and may be a average guy but have high self image and high self esteem. A good self image gives us confidence and a low self image makes us doubts our abilities.
What is stress ? Stress is something which takes away the peace of our mind. What happens when we lose peace of mind ? We get disturbed and we are not able to work. Our thinking gets negative and we blame everyone for all the wrong things which happen with us. So now we are in stress.
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We all are human beings and its very usual for all of us to concentrate on something which goes wrong rather than concentrating on all good things which happened. We concentrate on one negative aspect and break a relationship rather than focusing on all positive characteristics of a person. In this whole universe which is created by God no one is completely perfect. Everyone lacks some or other traits. Can you think of someone whom you can label as 100 % good. No. There must be something in that person which is pessimistic.