I personally believe that your life is your own responsibility and you cannot play the blame game saying the other person is causing me unhappiness or is responsible for my failures. Let's dig deep inside and look at everything from a different angle, a different perspective. Now answer a few questions before you shift the blame on someone else, Can someone live your life for you? Can someone else eat for you, sleep for you or live your miseries or die for you? The list is endless, I would say “NO”.
I think this is a question which must be there in everybody’s mind that what do I want to do in my life? Or What I want from my life? This life is the gift of God to you. You only live once and die once, in between you have got a life to live where you experience the joys and pains of living a life. It sometimes seems that we are living our lives in a straight line, it is only when you go through all the twists and turns that you understand that life is much more than you understand or can perceive beyond your imagination.
In life we always have to choose between two or more options and once the decision is made we move on with the best option which we feel is correct for us. The situations can be either good or bad but you always have to choose which way to go. Even in the worst of situations, you have to decide what to do because even if you procrastinate your decision for some time you will have to choose what to do. The worst will turn good only when you have the ability to make good decisions even when the water is turbulent.
The blame game is a common problem in today’s world when the other person blames you for their problems and grief. It is easy to point the finger on someone else that so and so person is responsible for my problem while the reason for your success or failure could just be you yourself. How can someone else make you a failure or success if you are determined to move ahead in life. When you want to advance in life you will make a proper plan and work accordingly, you will check if others are working properly and if you find some loopholes you can communicate and fix them.
Your mind is very powerful and you do not have an idea of it until you face a tough situation and you have to get out of it yourself. You will develop that fighting attitude and you will just look for a solution. You will not complain at that time but your focus will be only on fixing the current problem. You will not complain how tough it is to get out of that situation or you cannot do it or you lack the capability of solving the problem. Your entire attention will be on solving the problematic situation which you are facing now.