It is very late I understand the concept of energy, frequency, and vibration. I am still learning. I don’t have any idea as to in which class I am but still there is a long way to go. After initiation, you need to work on your own body so that you activate those energy systems which will change your total being. The process of initiation is more like planting a seed into your system which can be either done by a Guru or the universe depending on the need and then the seed will be transformed into a tree and bear flowers and fruits.
You are gifted with a genius mind. It is only when you realize that you can harness its full energy that you understand how powerful you are. The Mind consists of two parts i.e conscious and sub-conscious mind. The Conscious mind is accessible to you all the time while the subconscious mind is not accessible to you. Now there is a very big treasure which is hidden inside your own subconscious mind. People call it the law of attraction where you attract something into your life by thinking about it and then matching your frequency with the things you want in your life.
My own experience with life is both sweet and sour but then there are people in my life who have made my life worth living. They are my friends and family members who occupy a big part of my life. I know how tough life can get at times when you thought that your life is settled and everything falls apart. You are still wondering what is happening and your world has crashed in front of your own eyes and you simply do not know what to do. That is the toughest situation to face in life when your previous husband declares the end of the relationship without giving you the reason.
Today I am writing about a man who entered my life and changed it for a lifetime.
When you choose to be happy rather than being unhappy you have made a conscious decision from your heart. You decide to be happy about everything in life no matter whatever the circumstances. It is the choices that you make in your lifetime which decides the course of your life. When you choose the right things for yourself you already have made a conscious decision to be happy with your life. You cannot control what happens to you but yes you can control how you react to it and how boldly you accept the challenges that life throws at you.
My latest article on “Gratitude: My way of Life” was published in Future section of Hitavada Newspaper on 14th January 2014.
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The meaning of gratitude is being thankful and grateful for everything we have in our life. Most of our life is spend on complaining and worry but sooner or later we realize that the true essence of life and living is to stop complaining and start living but we understand this very later in life.