Life is a journey and not a destination. It is ok to take a break at times when you need to figure out your purpose. Do not bother who is ahead of you because it is your soul’s journey and it is your unique path and you don’t decide many events which you will encounter in your own path. I read a lovely quote written by Sadguru Ji where he says “Your life partner is your fellow traveler”. It means he/ she is there in your life just to give you company, travel with you, and be there for you so that you can help each other complete your soul purpose.
my divine marriage
Life is a sweet dream and it becomes worth living when you live it with your Cutie Pie. I have seen a lot more life than I should have at the age of 42. I have to spend a large chunk of my life fighting with health problems and finding solutions without any guarantee of success. I have experimented with many things. My God always played a very big role in my life. He was a person who always stood by my side even when I could not see him. He was a good friend, my partner in crime, and listened to all my stories because I needed a person who never judged me.
You have heard the quote which says that the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. This is 2022, a year where you can expect the unexpected. Everything which is owed to you will come to you. If you have worked for something and have waited long for the harvest then you will get results. If you have pained someone a lot then be prepared for the consequences because justice will be served. Even when you cannot see God he exists. The best part is when he is here with you even without you knowing it then how can you skip his sight.
2022 is a year of manifestations and healing. The universe, the earth, cosmic consciousness, and every living being in the cosmos will be healed in the coming days. The reset button has been triggered and the process which started in the year 2016 which adds up to 9 will be complete in 2022 which adds up to 6. When you don’t know something it is better to accept that fact and trust the process. When you trust the process you are open to learning. Why the number 369 is revealed to me, again and again, is something that occupies my mind very often.
The year 2022 adds up to 6 and it is a number of balance. I am writing down my own interpretation according to the way I feel from my intuition. Number 6 and number 9 represent the duality that exists in the universe. We need both 6 and 9 to exist at the same time. You need a male and female to complete the cycle of life. You need protons, neutrons, and electrons to form an atom. Protons are positively charged, electrons are negatively charged and neutrons carry zero charges. Both positive and negative exists in the universe at the same time.
I know there must be many out there who keep questioning the grace of God because of the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown situations which did shut down many businesses and brought misery to the life of many people. There is a massive timeshift happening in the universe and always remember that if something is happening there is a very big reason behind it. Even if you manifest a divine being into your own life or transform yourself into a divine being, you still have to walk your own journey. When it is divine time then you will see that everything will start shifting in your favor.
When you are on a spiritual path you will get intuitive after a certain period of time. You will see that your inner being guides you in the right direction and even leads you to your destination in unconventional ways. When you are still thinking about what to do next a certain opportunity presents itself before you and you know that it was you who attracted it in your life. Intuition is the universe or God speaking to you through your imagination.
I am 42 years young. Yeah because I am still a small kid for my mommy and daddy. I never grew up for them. Even when I do all sorts of stuff that don’t appeal to them, they still love me. My dad wants to leave everything just for me so that my whole life is secured. Then the universe and my God. They too are in the process of securing my life. I am still working on my spiritual awakening and facing health issues and the universe wants me to continue with everything but slow down since it is time for results and manifestation. It has to start. My wait is over.
A time for truth, the revelation of everything which was lying dormant because it is 2022 and the wait is over. If you feel guided to do certain things and don’t know why then it is time for you to get your answers. It is the harvesting season and time for results. You don’t have any idea as to how the result will be declared in front of you? Chill, the planetary alignments will align you with your true self, the real you.
It is a term that is new even to me. I want to explore everything which comes to my mind through my intuition process. Everything which was discovered or has been brought into reality by people who explored those concepts through cosmic guidance did so because that knowledge needed expression. The universe is looking for the right people through which it can work or transfer its knowledge for the betterment of humanity. People need to be guided to follow the right path.