6th sense is the sense which connects you directly with the source of creation surpassing the mind. When you are too much into your head you will see that your happiness quotient decreases while if you are someone who lives his life from the heart then you will laugh much more often than usual. 6th sense can be anything from intuition to clairvoyance or claircognizance or connection with the source. Yes, I very well agree with the fact that we all have come to this earth before and it is not a new place for many souls.
Life is a journey and not a destination. It is ok to take a break at times when you need to figure out your purpose. Do not bother who is ahead of you because it is your soul’s journey and it is your unique path and you don’t decide many events which you will encounter in your own path. I read a lovely quote written by Sadguru Ji where he says “Your life partner is your fellow traveler”. It means he/ she is there in your life just to give you company, travel with you, and be there for you so that you can help each other complete your soul purpose.
2022 is a year of manifestations and healing. The universe, the earth, cosmic consciousness, and every living being in the cosmos will be healed in the coming days. The reset button has been triggered and the process which started in the year 2016 which adds up to 9 will be complete in 2022 which adds up to 6. When you don’t know something it is better to accept that fact and trust the process. When you trust the process you are open to learning. Why the number 369 is revealed to me, again and again, is something that occupies my mind very often.
I hope you all are doing well in this lockdown and home quarantine period. I know it is difficult to be confined to a single place for so long without moving out but then it is all meant to be for our safety. Let’s spend this time learning something new or remove the veil from the unseen. The world that we see out there is much more than what can be perceived by your two eyes. The part which is seen is much smaller than the invisible where all the mysteries of the universe exists.
The very existence of reality is not real. Yes, it is true, you people don’t believe me? You will once I move ahead with my thoughts and discover further. Do you really exist? If I say “No” will you believe me? You people must be thinking that today the writer has gone crazy and asking me “Whether I exist or not?” Like what type of question is that? Of course, I do exist and that is the only reason I am reading your article. Now how do you understand that you truly exist on this earth, it is only when you think you exist but when you are in deep sleep you don’t exist.
I am writing about something my lovely readers, now keep guessing. Life is a mystery and there is no fun in life without mystery. Just think how boring life would have been if you knew what was going to happen next and about your whole life journey. You would have got disinterested in life. There is joy in life only when there is a thrill in living, Agree with me? I guess “Yes” After all who does not wants a thrilling life which cannot be guessed and when you open your eyes you find that your whole world has changed and you keep guessing how this miracle happened.
Let us explore the reason behind everything which happens in life. I too am exploring my life or I would say creating my life from scratch and building it the way I want it to be or maybe the way it is destined to be and I am being made aware of it. If I look back at my life there are few incidences which are still left hanging in my mind and I cannot get answers regarding why something happened in my life or I would say the very specific reason why something happened in my life, I am sure this may be happening with you people too.
There are different facets of life, it is both sweet and sour at times. Sometimes life challenges us beyond our limitations and at other times gifts us enormously. Let's welcome life. It will show you its good and ugly face at different times and it is all upon you how you accept it and react to it. Our whole life revolves around people and our own perceptions of people. We love some, hate some and do not bother at all about the rest because they do not carry any meaning in our life but that does not mean that these people do not carry any significance in our life.
Relationships can be between two friends, between husband and wife, mother and daughter, father and son, etc. Simply anything where two people are involved and connected in some or other way. We human beings have feelings. We feel for someone and then get into a relationship. I would say it is more of the law of attraction working to bring two people together. Two people who share the same frequency form a relationship. It is more of all the laws of the universe which work to bring two people together from different corners and establish a lifelong relationship with them.