I am writing about something my lovely readers, now keep guessing. Life is a mystery and there is no fun in life without mystery. Just think how boring life would have been if you knew what was going to happen next and about your whole life journey. You would have got disinterested in life. There is joy in life only when there is a thrill in living, Agree with me? I guess “Yes” After all who does not wants a thrilling life which cannot be guessed and when you open your eyes you find that your whole world has changed and you keep guessing how this miracle happened.
Father's day is arriving on 20th June 2010. As we celebrate woman's day we also celebrate father's day. There are few questions which arise in mind. Why do we celebrate father's Day ? Is there any comparison between the work done by father and mother ? Mom manages home and all needs of children but dad only works at office and earns for the family, then why due credit should be given to a father. Now a days with changing lifestyle and nuclear family culture its really difficult to rear a baby if both parents are working and there is no one at home to look after the baby.

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