Hello Rashmi can you hear me? I thought I slept and was lying on my bed but I find myself in a very different place now. Clouds? No, I think I am surrounded by water. Am I inside an ocean made of water or standing in a dark place in the Universe? Maybe both feel the same. These thoughts are still running through my mind. My mind was mocking me saying it feels this girl has experienced the entire universe. I think I have been here before maybe billions of years ago or from the start, who knows. I just shut down my mind asking it to find the direction of the voice.
Life is a journey and not a destination. It is ok to take a break at times when you need to figure out your purpose. Do not bother who is ahead of you because it is your soul’s journey and it is your unique path and you don’t decide many events which you will encounter in your own path. I read a lovely quote written by Sadguru Ji where he says “Your life partner is your fellow traveler”. It means he/ she is there in your life just to give you company, travel with you, and be there for you so that you can help each other complete your soul purpose.
2022 is a year of manifestations and healing. The universe, the earth, cosmic consciousness, and every living being in the cosmos will be healed in the coming days. The reset button has been triggered and the process which started in the year 2016 which adds up to 9 will be complete in 2022 which adds up to 6. When you don’t know something it is better to accept that fact and trust the process. When you trust the process you are open to learning. Why the number 369 is revealed to me, again and again, is something that occupies my mind very often.
The year 2022 adds up to 6 and it is a number of balance. I am writing down my own interpretation according to the way I feel from my intuition. Number 6 and number 9 represent the duality that exists in the universe. We need both 6 and 9 to exist at the same time. You need a male and female to complete the cycle of life. You need protons, neutrons, and electrons to form an atom. Protons are positively charged, electrons are negatively charged and neutrons carry zero charges. Both positive and negative exists in the universe at the same time.
A New Era, A New Age you asked for, prayed for, worked for, and dreamt is finally going to get real. The biggest question is how prepared you are to accept the new reality which is presented in front of you. It may be rosy for some but not for all. The concept which you saw in movies, in your dreams, in drama will unfold in the form of reality in front of you, Can you accept it? Prepared or unprepared you have to accept the new transformed earth which is about to reveal itself in front of you.
Many major shifts are happening on the earth plane. Some can feel and others can’t. It depends on how connected you are with your own inner self or the vibration which exists in the universe because these shifts are signaling towards something major which is going to happen in the coming months. I can understand why I see the number “9” most of the time and why the number “369” almost every time.
Hello, My lovely readers. I appreciate my association with you. It is you all who complete my work. If I would have just written and you people did not take out time to read my write up then I would never have been motivated to write more. I just want you all to know that there is a message in every article I write. Even if I write a fiction or a love story, there is a hidden message in it for everyone. You decode the message and improve your life. I want to make your lives better by my writeup.
This is a topic that was revolving in my head for very long so I thought let’s proceed with this today. I was looking outside my glass window today when a thought came to my mind if there were no plants than who would have produced food for us. Though technology has advanced a lot and we have reached the moon and discovered various high-tech modes of communication and transportation but still, we are handicapped in many aspects. The work which is done by plants is unique. It has the capacity to produce grains.
The very existence of reality is not real. Yes, it is true, you people don’t believe me? You will once I move ahead with my thoughts and discover further. Do you really exist? If I say “No” will you believe me? You people must be thinking that today the writer has gone crazy and asking me “Whether I exist or not?” Like what type of question is that? Of course, I do exist and that is the only reason I am reading your article. Now how do you understand that you truly exist on this earth, it is only when you think you exist but when you are in deep sleep you don’t exist.
The Virgo New moon on 30th August 2019 marks the end of an old cycle to build a new cycle and start a fresh journey towards a new destination. Remove all that is unwanted. Clear your emails inbox, clear your phone book, declutter your home of unnecessary stuff, clear your YouTube channel and remove unnecessary subscriptions, clear your Facebook page, clear your life of all unneeded stuff so that you can embrace the new. The things which are left are the ones which you will carry with you on your new journey towards a new destination.