Your life is nothing but a combination of choices that you made. Be happy with your present self because it was you who chose that life. There are many things that will work and many which won’t. It is useless crying over how far you would have gone if you had a picture-perfect life and things went according to your plan. When I look back at my life I conclude that the unplanned part took away my mental peace and good health. The universe always has so much in store for me that I keep wondering what they are up to.
I was standing outside Sri Laxmi Narayani Temple, Sripuram with one rupee coin in my hand with various thoughts running in my head. I know the thought or choice which I made on 31st December 2015 was not mine but the choice of the universe which planted the seed of thought in my mind that I should commit my life to a purpose which they wanted to fructify through me. I purchased a photograph of “Sri Anantha Padmanabhaswamy” on 29th December 2015. It was his choice to be a part of my world. He had made his decision.
All of us are born on this earth with a prewritten destiny. You are here to achieve your own purpose in life, the purpose for which you are born, a purpose which is much bigger than your own existence, a purpose which consumes your whole being, a purpose which runs down your veins, a purpose which is dissolved in your blood, a purpose which is divinely guided and he himself is manifesting within you and consuming your total being and transforming you into himself.
When you choose to be happy rather than being unhappy you have made a conscious decision from your heart. You decide to be happy about everything in life no matter whatever the circumstances. It is the choices that you make in your lifetime which decides the course of your life. When you choose the right things for yourself you already have made a conscious decision to be happy with your life. You cannot control what happens to you but yes you can control how you react to it and how boldly you accept the challenges that life throws at you.
In life we always have to choose between two or more options and once the decision is made we move on with the best option which we feel is correct for us. The situations can be either good or bad but you always have to choose which way to go. Even in the worst of situations, you have to decide what to do because even if you procrastinate your decision for some time you will have to choose what to do. The worst will turn good only when you have the ability to make good decisions even when the water is turbulent.