It is the 2nd of January and the New Year 2022 has just started. All the hard work which went in for 6 years of tough transformation is now showing results in weird forms. Rashes, hair fall, and too many changes. Spiritual awakening is not an easy journey, at least not for the feeble-hearted. Even the tough ones would break at some point to the amount of testing you have to go through. You don’t have any idea as to what tomorrow will be like. What is easy? Or difficult. It is better to put all your beliefs in one basket and label it as easy for your heart’s content.
Hello my lovely readers, How are you? On the occasion of Navaratri 2019, I dedicate this article of mine to the soulmate connection which has been downloaded from the heavens here on this earth by the divine for me and he is the one who has been given the task to make these two people one.
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