Soft skills training is personality development training. Soft Skills training is very different from technical training or language training. A lot of people confuse soft skills training with other training programs. Soft skills are the skills which are required in a person to get hired. It is the most important skills because it is easy to train a person with a learning attitude rather than to train someone who has a negative attitude towards new learnings. Age is no barrier for receiving soft skills training. You can learn as much as you can at any age.
Performance Appraisal is a quarterly or half yearly or yearly activity carried out by companies to check performance of employees. It is a system to check the performance of individual employees for promotion, salary increment or bonus. But this very system to check the performance can cause problems in the smooth working of the organization. A lot of gossips and rumor keeps mongering among employees. They are without head and tail and are carried out by those who are not happy with their performance reviews and feedback.
Welcome 21st century. Times have changed and so has the mindset of employees. Today's employees want job satisfaction, good salary, nice career prospects and time to pursue their hobby or interest. When any of their demands is left unfulfilled they leave and join another company. Employers are aware that working 6 days a week together for months will bring stress and lead to bad health in the long run. Continuous pressure to perform, meet deadlines and targets cause lots of stress to employees. Organizations are taking every step to satisfy their productive worker.
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The new buzzword in the Corporate sector is work life balance. Companies want their employees to live fulfilling lives and remain productive at work so they have come with the concept of balance. A balance is necessary be it in personal or professional life as every person wants stability in life and career.
Employee ditching is a very common problem. It happens with many companies who don't want to tie the employees to their organization by means of bond system. The employees takes this for granted and takes steps which tarnishes their image in the long run. An organization should always trust its employees but yes there has to be certain defined level or the employees take their trust for a ride. Small organizations generally don't levy too much rules and regulations and gives freedom to its employees.
Employees are backbone of an organization. They make an organization succeed or fail. Recruitment is the process of tapping right talent for the Corporation. Companies have methods to recruit more effectively by measuring 'time to fill' and 'cost per hire'. Time to fill is the time gap for recruiting the new employee and cost per hire is the cost incurred in hiring new employee. These methods help in measuring the employees performance to a small extent as it is followed just during hiring process.
Performance Appraisal is the process of assessing the performance of an employee within a given time period by a Manager or supervisor. It helps in measuring the exact performance of the employee, his strengths and weaknesses and the required improvements.
Job Rotation is a process of preparing employees at a lower level to replace someone at the next higher level. Job rotation is practiced in corporate sector to avoid boredom and complacency in employees. Companies practice it to train employees at various levels so that they can do varied jobs and can become good leaders. It helps in understanding problems faced by different level of employees and required improvements. Job rotation is practiced to enrich the knowledge and job of a worker.
There are few things which should be kept in mind before going for job rotation -
Internet has become a big source of communication and with the advent of technological innovations knowledge sharing became easier. It increased the reach of common man to a vast knowledge base just with the click of the mouse. Previously it was one way communication but with web 2.0 technology its two way communication. Web 2.0 helps in networking, finding solutions to problems, share our ideas and views by means of blog and help in selling better.