A soft skills trainer is the person who enhances communication, personality, language and other social traits of a person. There are thousands and lac's of soft skills trainer but all are not popular and credible. There is a small chunk who is doing wonders and has established credibility. There are trainers who have a long list of degrees but do not know how to teach and conduct training sessions successfully. Mere degrees will not determine success of a trainer in the long run. It is the skills set which matters.
Employee ditching is a very common problem. It happens with many companies who don't want to tie the employees to their organization by means of bond system. The employees takes this for granted and takes steps which tarnishes their image in the long run. An organization should always trust its employees but yes there has to be certain defined level or the employees take their trust for a ride. Small organizations generally don't levy too much rules and regulations and gives freedom to its employees.

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