I have worked on the invisible part of myself by trusting my intuition and the “Man who changed my life for a lifetime”. I tried a few things but none of them materialized. Then one day one of my school friends came to meet me. He said Rashmi why don’t you move ahead and do a job. Just start your career so that you get out of your home environment, meet people and figure out what’s next in your life. I thought it to be a good and genuine suggestion because he is one of my school friends and well settled in his life now.
Performance Appraisal is a quarterly or half yearly or yearly activity carried out by companies to check performance of employees. It is a system to check the performance of individual employees for promotion, salary increment or bonus. But this very system to check the performance can cause problems in the smooth working of the organization. A lot of gossips and rumor keeps mongering among employees. They are without head and tail and are carried out by those who are not happy with their performance reviews and feedback.
Resume is the first selling proposition of a candidate. Its the first source of introduction to the prospective employer. Its necessary to keep few points in mind while preparing resumes for job application. Introduce yourself in a better way and get a chance to face the interview.
Points to be kept in mind while preparing resumes -
1)Write a targeted resume according to the nature of the job if you have too many job experiences. Write specific resume for every job. No generic resume.
- rashmijsr's blog
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- 4566 reads
- age
- Avoid Negativity
- candidate
- Coloured papers
- date of birth
- employer
- ethnicity/race
- health.
- height
- HR
- Interview
- irrelevant information
- job experiences
- marital status
- No generic resume
- organization
- past experiences
- Pictures
- place of birth
- resume
- resumes for job application
- Sell yourself
- sex
- spelling mistakes and other grammatical errors
- weight
- Education
Employee attrition is a very big problem not only in India but outside India too. Attrition rate is increasing day by day and its especially the software industry which is affected the most. Why an Employee leaves a company is the question asked by most of the employers. Companies even hire Private HR professionals to study the company's work and find out why an employee is dissatisfied.
1.Know the expertise of the company you are applying for the job
2.If you have expertise in Java don't apply in a company which works only in PHP as it makes no sense.
3.Just don't post resume to any email id which you get hold of from websites. It may so happen that you mail the wrong person and he may mark that as junk.
4.Please find out appropriate email id's of HR for mailing. They are the persons involved in to recruitment.