I was prompted to write this article as many people claim they lack certain knowledge or do not know whom to approach for solutions. I just want to ask a question do we really need someone to find solutions to our problems ? or we can solve them ourselves by digging more and more. Thinking about the problem and looking for solutions on Google. I really thank Google for making such a powerful search engine which solves all the problems.
Current education employ-ability gap in India is very challenging. Every individual is busy adding more and more qualifications in their resume. They just want a job by hook or by crook and rest else doesn't matters. Its ripe time that a candidate looks within himself and finds out, is it only the lack of qualifications which is responsible for his/ her unemployment or is it something else. Is it their wrong attitude ? Wrong way of self presentation ? Or poor communication skills which is responsible for their unemployment.
Internet has become a big source of communication and with the advent of technological innovations knowledge sharing became easier. It increased the reach of common man to a vast knowledge base just with the click of the mouse. Previously it was one way communication but with web 2.0 technology its two way communication. Web 2.0 helps in networking, finding solutions to problems, share our ideas and views by means of blog and help in selling better.
Every Business person or Student or a Sales person is required to give Presentations. Some are Successful and others are not
Here are few points which highlights on how to give Good Presentation:-
1) You are very well aware of the Topic, so prepare well in advance i.e 2 – 3 days in advance so that you have ample time to practice.
2) Know your Venue: Find out about the Venue where you will be presenting so that you can reach there before time & you are comfortable with the surroundings.