Employee ditching is a very common problem. It happens with many companies who don't want to tie the employees to their organization by means of bond system. The employees takes this for granted and takes steps which tarnishes their image in the long run. An organization should always trust its employees but yes there has to be certain defined level or the employees take their trust for a ride. Small organizations generally don't levy too much rules and regulations and gives freedom to its employees.
sleepless nights
Getting a promotion and not happy about it ? Facing sleepless nights ? Remaining restless ? You are probably facing promotion anxiety. Everyone works hard for good performance and to get promotion. There are few whose works gets recognized and their dream comes true. They are happy about it but after sometime feels out of place. They get demoralized and their performance deteriorates. This happens with almost every person leaving a few. There is nothing to worry. We have to take few measures so that we move out of that anxiety and not live in it.

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