Parents are role models to children. Parents play a major role in the upbringing of a child. The responsibility as a parent towards their children is a greater responsibility as one wrong doing can change the perception of the child towards the parent. It is easy to become a parent but sometimes it gets difficult to play the role. Parents nurture their children from the day they are born till they are grown enough to lead their own lives. Parents act as a guardian, friend, philosopher and guide to their children. Parents are whole world to their children.
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- active social life
- autocratic
- children
- communicate
- decisions
- depression
- elders
- emotional
- family party
- friend
- full physical
- Goals
- guardian
- guide
- hormonal changes
- learning experience
- mental growth
- mood swings
- Parenting style
- parents
- patterns of behavioral
- personal hygiene
- philosopher
- pressure
- religious
- role models
- smoking
- Successful
- Communications
Welcome 21st century. Times have changed and so has the mindset of employees. Today's employees want job satisfaction, good salary, nice career prospects and time to pursue their hobby or interest. When any of their demands is left unfulfilled they leave and join another company. Employers are aware that working 6 days a week together for months will bring stress and lead to bad health in the long run. Continuous pressure to perform, meet deadlines and targets cause lots of stress to employees. Organizations are taking every step to satisfy their productive worker.
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