I think all of you have gone through such a situation in life when you go mad and your brain stops working. You do not know what to do and cannot decide what next. Your whole thinking process gets clogged and everything around you seems foggy. You are done with everything and just want to leave things as it is because you are in no mood to deal with it. All the problems which you are facing seem insurmountable and you go crazy over small issues. This is the most pathetic situation in which any human being can be but I don’t think anyone chooses to be in such a situation.
The meaning of success is different to different people. A person can taste success after winning a school race while others feel success only after winning Olympics, so the very definition of success is different for everyone. A housewife feels successful after making the best recipe from a recipe book. Entrepreneurs feel successful after creating a big global enterprise, so success carries different meaning for different person. Success is directly attached to goals. The goals which you set for your career, family and your personal life. Once you achieve those you feel successful.
Internet has become a big source of communication and with the advent of technological innovations knowledge sharing became easier. It increased the reach of common man to a vast knowledge base just with the click of the mouse. Previously it was one way communication but with web 2.0 technology its two way communication. Web 2.0 helps in networking, finding solutions to problems, share our ideas and views by means of blog and help in selling better.