Let us explore the reason behind everything which happens in life. I too am exploring my life or I would say creating my life from scratch and building it the way I want it to be or maybe the way it is destined to be and I am being made aware of it. If I look back at my life there are few incidences which are still left hanging in my mind and I cannot get answers regarding why something happened in my life or I would say the very specific reason why something happened in my life, I am sure this may be happening with you people too.
personal life
I am a very Spiritual person someone who believes in God. The faith in God has only strengthened with time and age. Previously i didn’t understand things but now i have matured as person to understand as to why some things are happening and others are still piling up in a queue. A lot of incidences have happened in my life one after another which has proved that God is there with me all the time and helping me in all possible ways. The almighty has send various people in my life who make my day just by being there for me. I firmly believe everything happens in life for a reason.
The meaning of success is different to different people. A person can taste success after winning a school race while others feel success only after winning Olympics, so the very definition of success is different for everyone. A housewife feels successful after making the best recipe from a recipe book. Entrepreneurs feel successful after creating a big global enterprise, so success carries different meaning for different person. Success is directly attached to goals. The goals which you set for your career, family and your personal life. Once you achieve those you feel successful.
Goals occupy an important aspect in our life. The thing which needs to be kept in mind while setting goals is when dreaming, dream big. Big and higher goals can be achieved by coming out of our comfort zone. Comfort zone is a zone which we have fixed for ourselves, we feel very relaxed and tension free in this zone as there are no day to day challenges. But when we aim big we have to move out of our comfort zone. we cannot reach great heights by staying in our comfort zone. Moving out of the zone is not easy.
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