I always thought who is beautiful, a person who is just beautiful from outside or a person who is beautiful from inside. A person who is beautiful from outside may not be the same inside, but a person who is graceful from inside has an external beauty which is untouched. The whole world runs after external beauty which fades with time but when we love someone's inner beauty then it lasts for a lifetime.
The meaning of success is different to different people. A person can taste success after winning a school race while others feel success only after winning Olympics, so the very definition of success is different for everyone. A housewife feels successful after making the best recipe from a recipe book. Entrepreneurs feel successful after creating a big global enterprise, so success carries different meaning for different person. Success is directly attached to goals. The goals which you set for your career, family and your personal life. Once you achieve those you feel successful.
I feel almost everyone delegates work which consumes their quality time and can be looked after by some one else. Business houses, employers, senior employees, children and house wives, all are really great at delegating work systematically. As an employer and CEO of VinayRas Infotech i had to delegate a lot of my work to be done by programmers or other data entry employees. I used to look after rest of the work which needed my skill and knowledge. It is always better to do the work which suits us and delegate the rest for which we can hire someone and pay an affordable price.
I never realized the impact of training till i enrolled for one and it changed my thought process and my life. I did not realized the power of positive words and its impact until i was struck by one. Soft skills training plays a vital role in a persons life but yes we have to realize that we need it and be a change we want to see. Hard skills will help us rise but we cannot enter and occupy the hearts of people until and unless we know how to communicate, what to communicate and when to communicate. Managers can do a great job if they know how to bring all people together and delegate work.
There are many changes that happen in life. As a girl we have various roles to play. We were four sisters and i being the second had lots of responsibilities over my shoulders. I played various roles as a sister, mother, CEO at VinayRas Infotech, Founder & corporate trainer at Attitude School. But the journey was not smooth. There were times were we ran short of money and i had no idea how we would pay our programmers but then we ( My Husband and me ) started our journey and there was no looking back.
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Rashmi Priya, corporate trainer and young motivator holds MBA degree in Human Resource and Marketing ( INDIA). She is globally recognized as Personality development and Management trainer. Her coaching and mentoring has helped many people achieve their goals.
To her credits, she has conducted over 50 workshops, influenced over thousand's of participants through out India.
Rashmi Priya is Founder & Corporate Trainer at Attitude School, which is a recognized firm to help students and corporates achieve their goals.