A person who writes his own success story is not someone from an alien land but he is also made of the same stuff which everyone else is made up of but there is a difference in mentality and thinking. Do you think that a lean and thin person is weak while a fat person is brave? I would say “No” because your stature never determines your courage. It is your own mentality and inner toughness which decides the journey of your life. It is your strengths which determines how much risks you will take in life and which paths you will avoid.
I conducted training program on Effective Communication and Effective Presentation Skills at Vidarbha Management Association (VMA), Nagpur on 3th March 2013 at Hotel Peanuts. My participants comprised of Entrepreneurs, Charter Accountants, Consultants and other working professional. They participated very well during training and even shared their experience. Sachin ji and Sameer ji members of VMA co-ordinated very well with me for the program.
The meaning of success is different to different people. A person can taste success after winning a school race while others feel success only after winning Olympics, so the very definition of success is different for everyone. A housewife feels successful after making the best recipe from a recipe book. Entrepreneurs feel successful after creating a big global enterprise, so success carries different meaning for different person. Success is directly attached to goals. The goals which you set for your career, family and your personal life. Once you achieve those you feel successful.
I successfully conducted training program along with my team on the topic “Life Ok” at JCI National Conference held at Lulu International, Kerala on 28th December 2012. I conducted training on the topic “Discover your true self” or Self Image. I discussed on What is Self Image ? Why it is important to have a good self image ? How to improve one's image over a life time. My audience comprised of Teachers, Charter Accountants, Home makers, Entrepreneurs and other working professionals.
I conducted training program on Effective Public Speaking at JCI Tumsar on 10th April 2011. It was the first time i was visiting Tumsar. Anil Sharaf, President, JCI Tumsar gave me a warm welcome. Great host. I reached the training venue and was amazed to see the audience. Maximum were Entrepreneurs with an engineering background and well established in their fields. It really felt great interacting with them. At the start of the session i thought whether they will cooperate with me or not, but their active participation impressed me.