We always say dream big as big dreams helps in achieving big goals rather than small dreams. It is easy to dream small and be satisfied with the small result. Many do this most of the time because they find it hard to come out of their comfort zone to achieve something big and meaningful. They feel satisfied and are happy in their comfort zones and find it difficult to adjust to new and improved surroundings. It is easier said than done. A lot of people dream big but they do not take any measures or steps to achieve their dream. They are sure to fail as inaction spoils the intellect.
dream big
Goals occupy an important aspect in our life. The thing which needs to be kept in mind while setting goals is when dreaming, dream big. Big and higher goals can be achieved by coming out of our comfort zone. Comfort zone is a zone which we have fixed for ourselves, we feel very relaxed and tension free in this zone as there are no day to day challenges. But when we aim big we have to move out of our comfort zone. we cannot reach great heights by staying in our comfort zone. Moving out of the zone is not easy.
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