Sometimes life overwhelms me much more than usual and those are the times I ask the question things took much longer than usual. The message comes “Trust the process”. Even when you don’t know where your life is going, just persist, don’t quit, and trust the process because there are few things that take longer than usual to manifest. If you have a dream which cannot be conceptualized and conceived inside your head and you want to give birth to a baby which is too large to be accommodated in your womb then you have to keep patience.
Hi, It is me. I want to share my thoughts about things that are unknown to you and seem fearful. Let go of fear. Don’t make up stuff in your head. Let go of control issues. Just go with the flow and see where the journey takes you. When you are born on this earth and you made it till today then be rest assured that you can make things happen in the coming future. Either it is your way or God’s way, just do your part of work.
I hope all of you will agree with the fact that God has gifted each one of us with numerous talents and it is only with the passage of time that we become aware of them or someone else finds it out for us and presents it before us. These talents which are the gift of the divine to a human being can sometimes remain unused for the whole life and thus the person’s whole talent gets wasted as it was never used and he never made any contribution to the world.
A business idea pops in your mind and you just want to move ahead with it but suddenly the villain self-doubt comes and gives you hundreds and thousands of reasons not to do it. You then start doubting yourself whether you will be able to do it or not. You then take your idea to your family members and they just reject it saying it is all rubbish. They will give you enough reasons as to why you should not do it. Then they will give you examples of how neighbor’s son lost all his money in business at the start and created so much debt for the family to pay, how much risky it is?
I remember a very famous quotation on commitment “The moment you commit and quit holding back, all sorts of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance, will rise up to help you. The simple act of commitment is a powerful magnet for help.”
My article on “Goals and Success” was published in Future section of Hitavada Newspaper on 30th December 2014.
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Goal Setting is very important part of life and without goals we would lead no where. Specific goals can be reached with single mindedness and extraordinary determination. The commitment towards our goals is important. It simply means no matter what may come in my way i will achieve my goals and get successful. It is this extraordinary determination which separates the ordinary from the extraordinary and helps a person in achieving his goals.
Friends watch my latest video on “Goal Setting” on You Tube -
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Goals are the most talked about subject. You will read about it every where in the newspaper, magazine, books etc. But then have you ever taken time to sit alone with yourself and actually think what are my goals ? What changes goals can bring in my life. What my life would have been if i had very specific and time bound goals ? Have i reached my full potential ? What more am i capable of doing ? Am i utilizing my time or just wasting it ? How i can in person contribute to the society as a whole ? Have you people ever thought of these questions.
The meaning of success is different to different people. A person can taste success after winning a school race while others feel success only after winning Olympics, so the very definition of success is different for everyone. A housewife feels successful after making the best recipe from a recipe book. Entrepreneurs feel successful after creating a big global enterprise, so success carries different meaning for different person. Success is directly attached to goals. The goals which you set for your career, family and your personal life. Once you achieve those you feel successful.
The Jaycees of Nagpur along with Nagpur Municipal Corporation decided to conduct training program in 28 Corporation schools on 10th September, Trainers Day recognized by JCI India.
I got an opportunity to conduct training program at Pannalal Deolia Hindi School. The school was allotted to me after discussion with Mayor Anil Sole ji.