Let us explore the reason behind everything which happens in life. I too am exploring my life or I would say creating my life from scratch and building it the way I want it to be or maybe the way it is destined to be and I am being made aware of it. If I look back at my life there are few incidences which are still left hanging in my mind and I cannot get answers regarding why something happened in my life or I would say the very specific reason why something happened in my life, I am sure this may be happening with you people too.
big heart
In today's fast moving scenario when there is negativity all around you its always better to fasten your seat belts and be prepared with all positive energy to face challenges in life. Now things have changed remarkably. Negative thoughts, negative views & negative people . There are many people who are trying to pull you down . You have to survive and reach your goal. Things will change only when you will want them to change. You have to start from yourself first then only you can change the society and their thinking at large.

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