My life has changed a lot in the last 3 years. What stays unchanged is the people around me, the sun, moon, stars, and the entire universe which is still the same. When I look back there is only one dominating thought in my mind. What I gained or lost? I cannot delete the past nor can I “ctrl Z” 10 to 12 years of my life so that I have the option to live it again and make it a memorable one. I have lived a great life with my parents. My dad loves me a lot. Till the age of 28 years, my dad managed almost everything for me. I have lived the life of a princess.
I hope you all are doing well in this lockdown and home quarantine period. I know it is difficult to be confined to a single place for so long without moving out but then it is all meant to be for our safety. Let’s spend this time learning something new or remove the veil from the unseen. The world that we see out there is much more than what can be perceived by your two eyes. The part which is seen is much smaller than the invisible where all the mysteries of the universe exists.

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