6th sense is the sense which connects you directly with the source of creation surpassing the mind. When you are too much into your head you will see that your happiness quotient decreases while if you are someone who lives his life from the heart then you will laugh much more often than usual. 6th sense can be anything from intuition to clairvoyance or claircognizance or connection with the source. Yes, I very well agree with the fact that we all have come to this earth before and it is not a new place for many souls.
Hello Rashmi can you hear me? I thought I slept and was lying on my bed but I find myself in a very different place now. Clouds? No, I think I am surrounded by water. Am I inside an ocean made of water or standing in a dark place in the Universe? Maybe both feel the same. These thoughts are still running through my mind. My mind was mocking me saying it feels this girl has experienced the entire universe. I think I have been here before maybe billions of years ago or from the start, who knows. I just shut down my mind asking it to find the direction of the voice.
I hope all of you will agree with the fact that God has gifted each one of us with numerous talents and it is only with the passage of time that we become aware of them or someone else finds it out for us and presents it before us. These talents which are the gift of the divine to a human being can sometimes remain unused for the whole life and thus the person’s whole talent gets wasted as it was never used and he never made any contribution to the world.