Life is a journey and not a destination. It is ok to take a break at times when you need to figure out your purpose. Do not bother who is ahead of you because it is your soul’s journey and it is your unique path and you don’t decide many events which you will encounter in your own path. I read a lovely quote written by Sadguru Ji where he says “Your life partner is your fellow traveler”. It means he/ she is there in your life just to give you company, travel with you, and be there for you so that you can help each other complete your soul purpose.
I conducted training program at JCI Bhivapur on 9th September 2012 on 1st day of Jaycee Week. The program was for Jaycerette wing and my audience comprised of both married and unmarried ladies. I received a warm welcome from Jaycerette Chairperson.

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