Divine time is the time when the universe serves you with your manifestation. The concept of time is still unclear to me because even if you measure time then in respect to what. There are many theories and conclusions I have drawn but none of them clears my doubt. But here I am discussing divine time. This human body is just vibrations so when you work on anything which you desire to have in your life through the Law of Attraction, the Law of Vibration, or just by means of pure intentions then it will be served to you. Still, you have to match your vibrations to your manifestations.
divine time
To some spirituality is a fancy word while for others it is their daily practice that gets them one step closer to their connection with divinity or God. There is no one way to reach the divine and I bet no one can debate this fact. If you want to get God then you can do it by following rituals, mantra chanting, meditation, or simply by being silent and connecting with nature. There are no hard and fast rules and if any person made the rules then it is going to be broken by some or other living being. People say Gods are not accessible to negative people but that is absolutely wrong.
2022 is a year of manifestations and healing. The universe, the earth, cosmic consciousness, and every living being in the cosmos will be healed in the coming days. The reset button has been triggered and the process which started in the year 2016 which adds up to 9 will be complete in 2022 which adds up to 6. When you don’t know something it is better to accept that fact and trust the process. When you trust the process you are open to learning. Why the number 369 is revealed to me, again and again, is something that occupies my mind very often.
I know there must be many out there who keep questioning the grace of God because of the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown situations which did shut down many businesses and brought misery to the life of many people. There is a massive timeshift happening in the universe and always remember that if something is happening there is a very big reason behind it. Even if you manifest a divine being into your own life or transform yourself into a divine being, you still have to walk your own journey. When it is divine time then you will see that everything will start shifting in your favor.
Happy New Year 2022. Everyone who patiently reads my article has enough sanity to digest my thoughts and my views. Thanks for being in my life. Today it is 1/1/2022. Numbers, synchronicities, and divine beings are there and will be there till eternity. I have evolved and raised my vibrations to make peace with all types of divine guidance and thank my God for everything. I can’t understand so many things. I am going with the flow and want to see where this new divine journey takes me. The unknown journey leads to the right destination.
I am exploring the concept as I am writing about it because the entire universe is just a play of numbers. The better you are placed in the cosmic geometry or the number sequence which is termed as “Perfect” by the universe the stronger your frequency and manifestations. The universe runs on a certain set of codes. I would like to tell you that when you cross the thin line between you and the universe you will get great results in manifesting the life of your dreams but if you activate certain energies which are called divine energies they will make decisions for you.