6th sense is the sense which connects you directly with the source of creation surpassing the mind. When you are too much into your head you will see that your happiness quotient decreases while if you are someone who lives his life from the heart then you will laugh much more often than usual. 6th sense can be anything from intuition to clairvoyance or claircognizance or connection with the source. Yes, I very well agree with the fact that we all have come to this earth before and it is not a new place for many souls.
Happy 2nd Marriage
Hello Rashmi can you hear me? I thought I slept and was lying on my bed but I find myself in a very different place now. Clouds? No, I think I am surrounded by water. Am I inside an ocean made of water or standing in a dark place in the Universe? Maybe both feel the same. These thoughts are still running through my mind. My mind was mocking me saying it feels this girl has experienced the entire universe. I think I have been here before maybe billions of years ago or from the start, who knows. I just shut down my mind asking it to find the direction of the voice.
Divine time is the time when the universe serves you with your manifestation. The concept of time is still unclear to me because even if you measure time then in respect to what. There are many theories and conclusions I have drawn but none of them clears my doubt. But here I am discussing divine time. This human body is just vibrations so when you work on anything which you desire to have in your life through the Law of Attraction, the Law of Vibration, or just by means of pure intentions then it will be served to you. Still, you have to match your vibrations to your manifestations.
You will meet many spiritual gurus who say that life is a play. I really don’t have any idea as to whether this is a play or a real game. Even if it is a play you should be able to push forward ahead of it and be able to view this game from a 3rd person point of view.
I have got Bioscience background and I never studied energies or subjects related to it. I did not even read any of the ancient scriptures but life somehow landed me in the place where I am now. Nothing related to energies ever fascinated me but today I am the one who has a changed path, a new outlook on life, and a different mindset to explore the only reality i.e energy. This entire universe was created by God by means of roar. The source of creation put its energy out there in the universe by means of sound which is vibration and hence a form of energy.