All of us have one or more secrets hidden in our heart, sometimes during the course of living if you find someone trustworthy of owning your secret you disclose it to him or else the secret remains hidden in your heart for a lifetime. When I talk about a secret, it is a very mysterious word and all kinds of stuff pop out in head as to what is the secret the other person is holding in his heart. You even try to get sneaky at times just to find out the unknown by listening to the person when he is talking to the other person by means of a parallel landline connection.
I hope all of you will agree with the fact that God has gifted each one of us with numerous talents and it is only with the passage of time that we become aware of them or someone else finds it out for us and presents it before us. These talents which are the gift of the divine to a human being can sometimes remain unused for the whole life and thus the person’s whole talent gets wasted as it was never used and he never made any contribution to the world.
Love and relationships are topics which are very close to my heart. I believe in full sincerity at least when it comes to matters of the heart. An insincere person cannot love, he can only cheat. When you yourself are trustworthy you attract those type of people in your life. You will see that people who are more prone to flirt attract those kinds of flirtatious natured people in their life while the committed ones get serious people who are looking for a settled future life. Our whole life revolves around relationships and work, there is nothing in between.
It is my own experience that when you set your eyes on a goal, the journey to achieve that goal is much more enjoyable than the destination. The reason is the ups and downs which you encounter on your path makes you a better person and you learn various life’s lessons which were not possible if you had not taken the journey which you were meant to take. You set a goal then you plan your life accordingly, you make certain amendments to your daily routine work and do things which require your time and energy, you delegate the rest of the work to other people who can handle it for you.
When you choose to be happy rather than being unhappy you have made a conscious decision from your heart. You decide to be happy about everything in life no matter whatever the circumstances. It is the choices that you make in your lifetime which decides the course of your life. When you choose the right things for yourself you already have made a conscious decision to be happy with your life. You cannot control what happens to you but yes you can control how you react to it and how boldly you accept the challenges that life throws at you.
In Today’s world when everything around us is getting sophisticated and artificial, why do we complicate life further? There is nothing which is wrong in sophistication but the power games which people play just to show off how big they are and how small others are, then it wrong. I would say the more simple things get, it gets easy to use them. You love your old phone which you bought just 1 year ago and now something new is in the market, though you do not need this new phone with new features you go ahead and spend a big chunk of money to own this phone so that you feel trendy.
It is raining in Nagpur and the weather is simply great so for the first rains in the monsoon season I thought of writing about love. I want to put forth my ideas about love and want to discuss what it is not and what it is? Love is a feeling which always grows with passing time and never fades away. If it vanishes then it is not love. What most people think about love is just a small part of the big ocean which is yet to be discovered. When you fall in love it is true your mind goes foggy and you cannot think about anything other than the person whom you love madly.
There are various people in our life whom we meet for the first time and after that, we never meet again and in those moments they leave a long lasting impression on us. Our life is a sum total of feelings and experiences. You feel for someone in a good or bad way and you experience moments which either brings a smile on your face or saddens you. What you do with the best moment which comes in your life is absolutely your choice, you can either make it the best moment of your life or let your problems steal your joy.
It is a tough situation when your heart says go for it and your mind says “No” it is wrong. You do accept the things happening in your life and you want to create a new life which is better than what you are living today. You know when your first marriage has failed and you are fighting the court case with your husband you should not get into another relationship. You are not yet divorced but you know in the near future you will and you just want a companion when someone enters your life and knocks in your heart door which you had kept locked for so long.
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Love is the most powerful force in the universe when everything else fails it is love which will help you overcome the toughest situations. Anger, hatred, and jealousy are emotions which just kills you and no one else because the more you cultivate these negative emotions the more poisonous it gets and over a period of time eats away your happiness. When you have the ability to love even when it is very difficult to shower your love is something which can be expected from a matured soul.