When you choose to be happy rather than being unhappy you have made a conscious decision from your heart. You decide to be happy about everything in life no matter whatever the circumstances. It is the choices that you make in your lifetime which decides the course of your life. When you choose the right things for yourself you already have made a conscious decision to be happy with your life. You cannot control what happens to you but yes you can control how you react to it and how boldly you accept the challenges that life throws at you.
Love is the most powerful force in the universe when everything else fails it is love which will help you overcome the toughest situations. Anger, hatred, and jealousy are emotions which just kills you and no one else because the more you cultivate these negative emotions the more poisonous it gets and over a period of time eats away your happiness. When you have the ability to love even when it is very difficult to shower your love is something which can be expected from a matured soul.

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