Hi, It is me. I want to share my thoughts about things that are unknown to you and seem fearful. Let go of fear. Don’t make up stuff in your head. Let go of control issues. Just go with the flow and see where the journey takes you. When you are born on this earth and you made it till today then be rest assured that you can make things happen in the coming future. Either it is your way or God’s way, just do your part of work.
In sharing my views on life I am sharing my own experience with my life. You have got only one life to live so you have two options before you either live the same usual life or take a plunge and explore new dimensions of life with the leap of faith. Faith can move mountains, that is the proverb which is very popular but I would say that faith has the power to change your life. There is nothing called security in life, if you want 100% security then no one can give you that amount of security other than banks where you have stored your money forever.
I am writing this article from my own experience. From the time I was born I have learned a lot from the School of life than I did from my B-School so I thought of penning down my own experience today so that you gain clarity of what I want to talk about. Sometimes it seems that everything is fixed in life and you are living a smooth life then all of a sudden you get a jerk and before you can understand what has happened your whole world has crashed.
It is my own experience that when you set your eyes on a goal, the journey to achieve that goal is much more enjoyable than the destination. The reason is the ups and downs which you encounter on your path makes you a better person and you learn various life’s lessons which were not possible if you had not taken the journey which you were meant to take. You set a goal then you plan your life accordingly, you make certain amendments to your daily routine work and do things which require your time and energy, you delegate the rest of the work to other people who can handle it for you.
It is my personal experience that when you feel lost and do not know which way to go, just keep walking till you gain clarity in your thoughts and you can see a way. It is my own personal experience, after living a family life for 11 years and being busy with my career my life crashed all of a sudden, I took a break from my career for 2 years before I figured out which way to go.
What is Goal Setting ? Why is it important to have goals in life ? Is it really necessary to have goals in life ? What will happen if i live a life without goals ? These are few questions which needs to be assessed and answered by every individual. Its the power of our dreams that takes us ahead or pulls us back. Goals are very important in life. Until we set a destination for ourselves how will we traverse the path and reach our destiny. With a specific goal we plan a specific path and try to conquer all odds of reaching that goal and persevere till the goal is achieved.