All of us have one or more secrets hidden in our heart, sometimes during the course of living if you find someone trustworthy of owning your secret you disclose it to him or else the secret remains hidden in your heart for a lifetime. When I talk about a secret, it is a very mysterious word and all kinds of stuff pop out in head as to what is the secret the other person is holding in his heart. You even try to get sneaky at times just to find out the unknown by listening to the person when he is talking to the other person by means of a parallel landline connection.
Getting a promotion and not happy about it ? Facing sleepless nights ? Remaining restless ? You are probably facing promotion anxiety. Everyone works hard for good performance and to get promotion. There are few whose works gets recognized and their dream comes true. They are happy about it but after sometime feels out of place. They get demoralized and their performance deteriorates. This happens with almost every person leaving a few. There is nothing to worry. We have to take few measures so that we move out of that anxiety and not live in it.

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