When you choose to be happy rather than being unhappy you have made a conscious decision from your heart. You decide to be happy about everything in life no matter whatever the circumstances. It is the choices that you make in your lifetime which decides the course of your life. When you choose the right things for yourself you already have made a conscious decision to be happy with your life. You cannot control what happens to you but yes you can control how you react to it and how boldly you accept the challenges that life throws at you. You may find it difficult to adjust to the new circumstances and new life but when you make a sensible decision by accepting the present than you are happy. I know we all want happiness for ourselves but with the passing time and with changed circumstances everything changes in life. Sometimes it so happens that you planned a good life with your life partner but he does not want to stay with you than all your planning fails and you get unhappy. The biggest question to ask here is even if you cry for the person who does not want to be in your life can you force him to stay with you. I would say “No”. You cannot change the other person’s mindset so it is better to accept the present and make peace with the past which is gone and will not return. You get unhappy only when you find it difficult to release your past because you feel it gives you happiness but in reality, it just adds on to your sorrows. It is better you move ahead not to look back at the bad past but concentrate on the new future which you want for yourself. You cannot mend the past so it is better to develop acceptance for the past so that it does not spoil the present and the future.
When you relive your past you spoil your present and future both. Happiness is a feeling which comes when you are satisfied with your life and the people around you. Even a slight feeling of dissatisfaction is enough to make you unhappy. When you choose happiness for yourself you not only make your own environment pleasant but create pleasantness for other people around you. Happiness is in the mind and it more of mental work. When you are happy your whole body radiates your happiness while when you are sad your whole body shows your unhappiness. When you forgive the other person you choose your own mental peace above the person with whom you carry a grudge. Forgiveness is something which you do for yourself so that your fears do not haunt you at night. When you forgive the other person you release yourself from the burden which you had been carrying for a long time. Forgiveness and gratitude both enrich your soul. No one wants to be unhappy, every person desires to be happy, it is the outside circumstances which you cannot control makes you unhappy. When you accept the fact that whatever has happened to you was not controllable but you can absolutely choose your reaction to it. When you look for happiness in small things then you choose your happiness over sadness. It does not have to be a very big thing that happens in your life should make you cheerful, you should look for happiness in small things so that you can feel happy.
There is nothing called certainty in life, anything can happen anytime. Your five-year planning may come crashing down in a moment and you may keep thinking what to do next so it is better that you choose to be happy in the present moment so that there are no future regrets. When you choose happiness you attract more of it and thus your life moves ahead in a completely different direction. Choosing happiness is easy but when you face problems in your life you try to go back to your old self which is comfortable with sad emotions. You have to try and change your life. It is you who has to decide the course of your life and choose happiness for yourself. There is very little that you can do to change any circumstance in your life but you can surely change your way of looking at the situation so that it does not upset you anymore. Maybe something is happening for your greater good which you cannot see now and may realize after 5 - 10 years but now it is making you unhappy. You always have two choices before you, it is up to you which one you choose. You can either face the situation, fight with it and make things happen in your life or let your problems break you. Problems are inevitable so when you attach your happiness with everything then life gets difficult. You make your own life miserable with your own hands when you attach your happiness to everything because then you give your life’s control to everything and then you can never be happy. If you keep thinking that my life is in such a big mess, how can I be happy in this situation? If you think this way then you can never be happy all your life because there will be one or the other thing which will go out of order and will demand your time. If you are happy in spite of everything then you can actually be happy.
Happiness is a very conscious decision which you make for yourself and others. When you are happy you spread your happiness everywhere and it multiplies and comes back to you. You are unhappy because you cannot afford something which others can afford or you cannot buy the costly dress then reconsider your decisions, are they important in your life? If the answer is “No” then why to be unhappy that you cannot afford that. Be happy, chill you have a life to be grateful for and you can always make your dreams come true in the long run by being happy. Look for small moments of happiness and you will see your life transforming in front of your own eyes. Never underestimate the power of small because these small moments creates room for big moments of happiness which you attract in your life. Look for smiles on every person’s face because if you look for the sadness that is what you will get but when you see others happy you should also be happy. When you are jealous with other person’s happiness you are lacking self-love for yourself because when you are happy from inside you want others around you to be happy too. Make a conscious decision to be happy so that no unhappiness can touch your life.