This journey called life is great and it did teach me lots of lessons. I started questioning my own ability as a person and wanted to explore more of me so that I can achieve my divine purpose in this lifetime. I have explored various parts of myself and I have written in detail about my journey in my book “Love You Jindagi My Journey to meet Sri Anantha Padmanabhaswamy”. One single encounter changed my total being and my whole life. I started exploring myself after my divine encounter on 31st December 2015. Everything which you question about God or the universe is real.
When your life seems 100% out of order and you can’t make any sense as to what is happening? Chill, things will happen. You just need to keep working. You all know for me the very concept of work has changed. If you all talk to me about career growth. I don’t think I did much work in that area but yes if you talk to me about personal growth I think I have achieved a lot. How do you define success? Yes, it is true I want to create a great life for myself be it in my career or my personal life. I don’t think my age is going to be a barrier to whatever I want to create in the world.
Every person has his part of the struggle. It all depends on which form. Your struggles can either make you or break you. There is nothing in between because life is an ongoing game. You either win or lose and there is nothing called half won or half lost. Never play it safe, you are either in it 100% or you back off calling everything bad luck. I too had my own misconceptions about life but a lot of them got broken after I took the holistic path of spirituality and learned from some of the known spiritual gurus about life.
Hi, all of you. Today I want to put forth my thoughts on intuition and want to take you all through my own journey because my life is not the same after one single mysterious event. How do I describe myself? I am a simple girl untouched by the intricacies of the modern world. I am not that glamorous kind of person. I love true, genuine people who don’t judge me and my parents are my world to me especially my dad who is an earth angel, he is the visible divine in my world who will do anything for his daughter. God, I love him a lot. Whenever I remember him I get teary eyes.
It has been a long journey since the year 2017. This year is simply embedded in my subconscious mind. I can’t swipe it off nor can I run away from it. A past that was most difficult for me to accept has become a part of my life. My present life is the sum total of all the past experiences. Whatever I am today is because of the wisdom and learning which I drew every time I failed or succeeded. I lost the precious years of my life fighting with chronic health conditions, depression, and hopelessness. But the biggest question is, does my past defines me?
It feels I took a long break from writing. I was working on my energies and completing a few spiritual works which needed my attention. I was focusing my energies more on myself rather than anything else and that is the only reason there was a discontinuity in my writing. I took a break, even from social media for some time. You need to put single-minded attention and conserve your energies when you are working on something where minimum distraction is needed. I am back to writing again. Hope you all are doing well. Be Happy.
I had read the book “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne and read about the law of attraction but I never practiced it. Though I had an idea of the theory part, I never applied it or experimented with it to check whether it worked or not. My life really fell apart in the year 2017 and that is something that brought me closer to God and spirituality. I started working on my own self from that year onwards by doing Yoga and Meditation. It was the first time I realized that in order to fix my life I have to think the right way.
Today is 11th July 2020. This number 11 appears so much in my day to day life that I thought of writing something today. I am 40 years old. I have lived a big chunk of my life and the rest of my life maybe 30 or 40 years which is still left is the one where I have to carve my destiny and serve my purpose. What did I do in these years? I tried to play my best role even when I was living the worst phase of my life with all my diseases. I always complained about life and asked God why me? Why he gave me so many health problems. I have lived all my dark days full of health problems.
Hi All. Today I wanted to write about something which is very close to my heart and that is Energies of the Universe and destiny. Though lots of people disregard destiny and quote everything as Law of Attraction, my concentration today is only on universal energies and destiny. Everything which exists in the universe is energy and there is nothing which happens by chance. Everything happens the way it is meant to be and there is something called divine time. You keep praying for something or work hard to achieve your goals and still can’t see anything happening.
My life has changed a lot in the last 3 years. What stays unchanged is the people around me, the sun, moon, stars, and the entire universe which is still the same. When I look back there is only one dominating thought in my mind. What I gained or lost? I cannot delete the past nor can I “ctrl Z” 10 to 12 years of my life so that I have the option to live it again and make it a memorable one. I have lived a great life with my parents. My dad loves me a lot. Till the age of 28 years, my dad managed almost everything for me. I have lived the life of a princess.