Today is 11th July 2020. This number 11 appears so much in my day to day life that I thought of writing something today. I am 40 years old. I have lived a big chunk of my life and the rest of my life maybe 30 or 40 years which is still left is the one where I have to carve my destiny and serve my purpose. What did I do in these years? I tried to play my best role even when I was living the worst phase of my life with all my diseases. I always complained about life and asked God why me? Why he gave me so many health problems. I have lived all my dark days full of health problems.
Resume is the first selling proposition of a candidate. Its the first source of introduction to the prospective employer. Its necessary to keep few points in mind while preparing resumes for job application. Introduce yourself in a better way and get a chance to face the interview.
Points to be kept in mind while preparing resumes -
1)Write a targeted resume according to the nature of the job if you have too many job experiences. Write specific resume for every job. No generic resume.
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- 4557 reads
- age
- Avoid Negativity
- candidate
- Coloured papers
- date of birth
- employer
- ethnicity/race
- health.
- height
- HR
- Interview
- irrelevant information
- job experiences
- marital status
- No generic resume
- organization
- past experiences
- Pictures
- place of birth
- resume
- resumes for job application
- Sell yourself
- sex
- spelling mistakes and other grammatical errors
- weight
- Education

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