Life is a sweet dream and it becomes worth living when you live it with your Cutie Pie. I have seen a lot more life than I should have at the age of 42. I have to spend a large chunk of my life fighting with health problems and finding solutions without any guarantee of success. I have experimented with many things. My God always played a very big role in my life. He was a person who always stood by my side even when I could not see him. He was a good friend, my partner in crime, and listened to all my stories because I needed a person who never judged me.
It feels I took a long break from writing. I was working on my energies and completing a few spiritual works which needed my attention. I was focusing my energies more on myself rather than anything else and that is the only reason there was a discontinuity in my writing. I took a break, even from social media for some time. You need to put single-minded attention and conserve your energies when you are working on something where minimum distraction is needed. I am back to writing again. Hope you all are doing well. Be Happy.

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