I had read the book “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne and read about the law of attraction but I never practiced it. Though I had an idea of the theory part, I never applied it or experimented with it to check whether it worked or not. My life really fell apart in the year 2017 and that is something that brought me closer to God and spirituality. I started working on my own self from that year onwards by doing Yoga and Meditation. It was the first time I realized that in order to fix my life I have to think the right way.
God is the supreme power who has the capacity to create miracles, turn your life around and amaze you with the unexpected. He is a powerful being but you cannot buy his grace, you have to be eligible to get his grace by doing the right things and walking on the right path. When you follow a righteous path you will see that your life will simplify for you and things won’t seem that complicated. The biggest problem of today’s generation is that they are drifting away from the roots and are finding their happiness in materialistic things which are temporary.
We all pray to God but it is only in the tough times that our true faith and connection with God is tested. You pray to God and ask for money, good relationships, good health of family members, good marks, etc. When something goes wrong in your life and you cannot see a way out of that situation is when your belief in God gets tested. You can either complain to God for landing you into a troublesome situation even after praying every day with full devotion or think that it is your own bad Karmas which landed you in this tough situation and now you need to figure out a way to get out of it.
We usually read or hear about miracles happening in newspapers and magazines but there are very few people who experience it in their life time. But i have experienced it and now my faith in humanity and God has strengthened much more more than before. I stay at Manish Nagar, Nagpur, Maharashtra. My husband lost his Samsung mobile one month ago near Shilpa Nagar, Somalwada. It was found by an auto driver and handed over to him after two days. That person called me and said he was trying to locate the owner of the mobile, i said it was my husband's mobile and he had lost it two days back.
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2011 is going to end and we have to gear up for the year 2012. We have to welcome it with both hands. The fate may or may not be in our favor but with our hard work and dedications we can change things around us. It is a time to stop complaining and start living. Rather than finding faults and getting angry , it is time to cool down and concentrate on the most important work which was lying pending since long. Train your mind.
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I asked God to change my life. He replied i cannot. I asked him why ? He told me that i had all the powers and needed no help. “ I had all the powers of changing my own self “ sounded very strange, but yes i felt great that i had all the powers which i needed to change my own self, my work life and my family. The problem with most of us is that we are so used to complaining that we do not concentrate on the solutions but cry just about our problem. Look in to the mirror, what you saw. Its your own image , your own shadow.