Every person has his part of the struggle. It all depends on which form. Your struggles can either make you or break you. There is nothing in between because life is an ongoing game. You either win or lose and there is nothing called half won or half lost. Never play it safe, you are either in it 100% or you back off calling everything bad luck. I too had my own misconceptions about life but a lot of them got broken after I took the holistic path of spirituality and learned from some of the known spiritual gurus about life.
How do you define destiny? Some say it is the will of God handed over to you in the form of Janam Patri when you are born or your destiny is determined by the karmas which you did in your previous lifetimes. Good karmas lead to good fortune while bad karmas cause miseries in the coming life. I would say each one of you want to live a good, happy and meaningful life where you do what you are meant to do. You make your contribution to the world by playing your own role and living by your purpose for which you are born.
This topic is something which struck my head today so I wanted to write about it. I am writing my own experiences here. After going through so much in my life after my marriage of 12 years has molded me and has even taught me a few harsh lessons which I was never aware of when I was single living my life blissfully with my parents. My realizations and my thinking have changed as I am maturing as a person and I have realized that the first person who is important in my life is me “Myself” because if I am not happy from inside how can others around me be happy?
I am sure most of you want to look beautiful and have flawless skin throughout life. Aging takes a toll not only on the body but also on the skin. Especially for ladies who are nearing their Menopause, the skin feels dry, dull, develop acne, fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots. When you are young you don’t have skin issues, it is only when you start aging that the skin develops certain problems due to changes in hormonal levels in the body. What you can do is worry less and find out a proper solution which will last long.
I am writing this article based on my own experience with hormonal imbalance. I delivered my baby in the year 2008 and since then my life was never normal. She was delivered through a Cesarean delivery. After a few months, I started facing problems of heavy bleeding. I consulted my Gynecologist and she said that I was having problems of hormonal imbalance. I had mood swings too which really took away my peace of mind. She treated me on birth control pills which never sorted out my problem. She gave me medicines to curb my periods but that too didn’t help much.
You are very well aware of the saying “Health is Wealth”. My dad added a bit further and said: “when Wealth is lost nothing is lost and when Health is lost everything is lost”. He said you can earn wealth at any time but when you lose your health it is lost forever. I have seen people running after money, fame, good job position etc. They work for 18 hours a day and have no time for rest. At the end what is left is a huge sum of money with bad health and regular doctor’s visit. Nowadays it is very common to hear someone in their 30’s suffered a heart attack and died on spot.
We are all aware of the goodness of honey. It is good when taken internally as well as when used externally as a face wash. For me, winters bring dry skin and a whole lot of skin problems which I never face in any other season. It is only when winters begin that I have to be ready and prepared so that I can handle my skin and be healthy in those chilly days. My skin dries a lot during winters especially the face. The skin from my face peels off due to excessive drying. I apply a lot of moisturizing cream but it soaks after some time and again my face feels stretched.