• warning: Creating default object from empty value in /var/www/rashmipriya.com/public_html/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.pages.inc on line 34.
  • user warning: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'system WHERE type = 'theme' AND name = 'amlekula'' at line 1 query: SELECT info FROM system WHERE type = 'theme' AND name = 'amlekula' in /var/www/rashmipriya.com/public_html/modules/system/system.module on line 1014.
  • warning: array_map(): Argument #2 should be an array in /var/www/rashmipriya.com/public_html/modules/system/system.module on line 1015.
  • warning: array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /var/www/rashmipriya.com/public_html/includes/theme.inc on line 1817.
  • warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/rashmipriya.com/public_html/includes/theme.inc on line 1817.


Happy Women's Day - Write a New Story in 2022

Submitted by rashmijsr on Wed, 2022-03-09 14:30

Happy Women’s Day. The word women were coined to represent females but they are much more than nurturers or service providers. They are the ones to keep the societies intact because they bond from the heart. It is good to see males appreciating females for all the good work they do but they can never understand how much a woman has to struggle when she wants to add extra feathers to her cap and want to take up a work that has not been taken by anyone till date. Society then starts judging them and demotivates them that you can’t do it because no one else did it till today.


Hi, all of you. Today I want to put forth my thoughts on intuition and want to take you all through my own journey because my life is not the same after one single mysterious event. How do I describe myself? I am a simple girl untouched by the intricacies of the modern world. I am not that glamorous kind of person. I love true, genuine people who don’t judge me and my parents are my world to me especially my dad who is an earth angel, he is the visible divine in my world who will do anything for his daughter. God, I love him a lot. Whenever I remember him I get teary eyes.

New Vibration

It has been a long journey since the year 2017. This year is simply embedded in my subconscious mind. I can’t swipe it off nor can I run away from it. A past that was most difficult for me to accept has become a part of my life. My present life is the sum total of all the past experiences. Whatever I am today is because of the wisdom and learning which I drew every time I failed or succeeded. I lost the precious years of my life fighting with chronic health conditions, depression, and hopelessness. But the biggest question is, does my past defines me?

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