Sometimes life overwhelms me much more than usual and those are the times I ask the question things took much longer than usual. The message comes “Trust the process”. Even when you don’t know where your life is going, just persist, don’t quit, and trust the process because there are few things that take longer than usual to manifest. If you have a dream which cannot be conceptualized and conceived inside your head and you want to give birth to a baby which is too large to be accommodated in your womb then you have to keep patience.
If you dare to dream then make your dreams come true. There is no fun in living a life without purpose and dreams. Have a dream and make them come true. You don’t need to care what other people think or talk about it. Their perception does not carry any significant importance in your life because it is your dreams, your goals, and your life. When you can dream it you can do it. Have faith in your own abilities to make your dreams a living reality. Don’t bother how hard it may seem now or you may doubt yourself for dreaming about something which is impossible.
We all dream of a life without failures and only success. But do we get that ? Is only success important and failures should be removed from dictionary ? Its very easy to fail than to succeed. We get “ F” on 6th position in the Alphabet series and “S” comes in 20th position. It means after failing one has to really work very hard to get success, travel the path difference of 12 alphabetical letters and get success. Then only we can enjoy the fruit of success.
Tata's Car NANO has really brought a revolution through out the world. Few years back owning a car was a dream for few people and few could afford just a bike or a scooter. Persons whose income was good and occupied the creamy layer of society could dream of a car and afford it. In todays scenario it is very difficult to believe that a Car comes for just Rs 1 Lac when you cannot affor a bike for less than Rs 65000. Nano has increased the afford ability of owning a car. Its like a dream come true. A person who can afford a bike can now afford a car too. This is what Tata's have done.