Today I chose to write about a topic that is very close to my heart. I have worked on my spirituality through messages which came to me through my intuition and whatever I am today is a result of that. I listened to a video on Youtube about Intuition where Lisa Nicholas says “Intuition is God placement system, your inner GPS”. I really loved it. When you know you know something but don’t know how but feel the hunch to go ahead with whatever you feel on the inside because you trust your instincts then you are on a path that segregates you from the crowd.
divine realm
Sometimes life overwhelms me much more than usual and those are the times I ask the question things took much longer than usual. The message comes “Trust the process”. Even when you don’t know where your life is going, just persist, don’t quit, and trust the process because there are few things that take longer than usual to manifest. If you have a dream which cannot be conceptualized and conceived inside your head and you want to give birth to a baby which is too large to be accommodated in your womb then you have to keep patience.

© 2010 Rashmi Priya. m