Divine time is the time when the universe serves you with your manifestation. The concept of time is still unclear to me because even if you measure time then in respect to what. There are many theories and conclusions I have drawn but none of them clears my doubt. But here I am discussing divine time. This human body is just vibrations so when you work on anything which you desire to have in your life through the Law of Attraction, the Law of Vibration, or just by means of pure intentions then it will be served to you. Still, you have to match your vibrations to your manifestations.
Kalki avatar of Narayana
There are times in your life when you feel that you are just living, eating, and wasting time while the whole world around you is earning and adding extra zeros to their bank account. And I very well know that all of us fall prey to this mentality when we have gone through our worst breakup and have taken a long career break. Actually, this human mind is programmed with too much stuff which is not needed, and that's the only reason these kinds of thoughts knock on your head very often.
Hello my lovely readers. I value my relationship with you. I value my connection with you. I thank you all for being a part of my world and appreciating my work by reading my writeup. I am here for a purpose and I know you all are also here for a purpose. We are all assigned to achieve a certain task by the divine or else we would not have existed. Our very existence confirms that God wants us to achieve our maximum potential and give our best, nothing less than that. We all should contribute towards the upliftment of the society in whatever way we can.